Eclipse Season & The Changing Of The Guard

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Aries happening April 19/20. This contains:

  • Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month

  • New Moon Solar Eclipse & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Themes


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***Please note that this is the time and date of the exact moment of each eclipse but they last different lengths of time. To check please go to Time & Date to get the exact time and length of each eclipse in your city.


Los Angeles: Apr 19th @ 19:12pm
Edmonton: Apr 19th @ 10:12pm
New York: Apr 20th @ 12:12am 
London: Apr 20th @ 5:12am
Berlin: Apr 20th @ 6:12am
Delhi: Apr 20th @ 9:42am 
Bali: Apr 20th @ 12:12pm
Brisbane: Apr 20th @ 2:12pm
Sydney:Apr 20th @ 2:12pm


Los Angeles: May 5th @ 10:34am 
Edmonton: May 5th @ 11:34am 
New York: May 5th @ 1:34pm
London: May 5th @ 6:34pm
Berlin: May 5th @ 7:34pm
Delhi: May 5th @ 11:04pm
Bali: May 6th @ 1:34am
Brisbane: May 6th @ 3:34am
Sydney: May 6th @ 3:34am

We are in Eclipse Season and EVERYTHING is changing. But this lunar month, you can unlock evolutionary potential!

How are you going out there? 2023 seems to be living up to the predictions of being a year of great change at a grand scale. Right now, all planets are still direct and have been since Uranus stationed direct January 23rd. We’ve had a foot on the accelerator for months now and maybe you are feeling the tension and the need for some integration of all that has been happening?

Some reprieve is coming! Mercury and Pluto turn retrograde this lunar month. The foot will lighten on the accelerator and you will get a chance to gather your senses for a moment as we attempt to make sense of all that has been going on. This retrograde will act like a release of pressure, but big cycles are still in play so don’t expect the retrogrades to make it any slower or any more comfortable. This is a time where the retrogrades are actually a blessing.

There have been big celestial changes and movements and it is becoming obvious how this correlates with our human experience. The Sun (Ruler of the Solar System) and Jupiter (The Guru) have just completed their annual meeting in the sign of Aries which is a sign of beginnings and leadership. Plus Saturn and Pluto have changed signs. There is changing of the guard happening and it can be unsettling but it is what is necessary for evolution. If nothing changes, nothing changes… and right now, everything is changing!

Remember, 2023 is about increasing your capacity for change and evolution and with this lunar month being eclipse season, this is another potent moment to expand your mind, heart and soul and embrace the new paradigms!

The eclipses this lunar month are pushing the evolutionary patterns big time and you can check out how they are working in your life. Eclipses are big karmic moments where people, events and things can be eclipsed in and out of your life. They can have a fated feeling to them but you can work with the energy of eclipses to support your life to move forwards in powerful ways.

Collective karmic destiny is being triggered even more by the Nodes moving closer towards a strong square with Pluto. This is going to bring issues of resources, politics, the environment and equity for humanity to the foreground even more as we move deeper into 2023. This configuration has the sense of it being a choice point for humanity and I feel that we will be wanting to choose something higher and more evolved but for this to happen it appears that heavy negative karmic patterns will be rising to the surface so that we can make the choice.

This is an uncomfortable time but it is necessary to support us in waking up to what really matters. This is a collective ripening and the trajectory of humanity is on the line.

What has this all felt like for you personally? This is where you can work in ritual and self introspection and take care of your inner work and whatever negative stories you have engaged in. Especially focused around the themes of excess in your life and where you have personally engaged in living in ways that are actually not aligned with your core values and what you wish for Earth and humanity.

A new Earth wants to emerge and if you aren’t freaking out, you can actually embrace what is emerging. As the chaos and noise gets louder, turn inwards and enrich your inner world and stay with the wisdom within.

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

April 21st to May 14th/15th - Reset, rethink and review resources.

Just over a day following the solar eclipse in Taurus, Mercury will begin his first full retrograde cycle for 2023. This retrograde will have us reviewing our relationships to resources, values and money. A time for coming back to quality over quantity.

Mercury turns retrograde multiple times every year. It’s a very natural and healthy cycle. Mercury retrograde is always a great time to sit and review, redo, reorganise and generally check in on how you are travelling with life. It can be a wonderful time for reflection and getting out of the hustle and bustle as Mercury resets the energy when he goes retrograde

April 25th (active a few days either side) - New waves of living on Earth.

As the wrecking ball is beginning to swing back to eventually crash back into Capricorn this year and continue the breaking down of old power structures, there are cycles of renewal and innovation playing out at the same time and the conjunction of the ruler of our Solar System the Sun will with the North Node which rules over our collective destiny we are going to be pushed to evolve into new ways of taking care of our planet. We are moving towards new values system and you can see this is impacting every aspect of our lives from finances to relationships.

May 1st/2nd to October 11th - Going back over old karma.

Pluto is now in Aquarius and we can see the shifts that occurring in the realms of politics, financial institutions. This is only the beginning. However, Pluto is going to be going over old territory during this retrograde as the planet of transformation will go back into Capricorn by June 12 and will not re-enter Aquarius again until January next year.

We are going to watch the wrecking ball of Pluto swing back into Capricorn in June. Whatever is needing to be broken down and renewed from the old Capricornian power structures will be addressed again to make sure the old worlds and ways are permanently done!

May 14th (active a few days either side) - Days for love and healing and the future.

Unless you understand astrology this won’t make any sense but I’ll break it down for you. These are super positive aspects between the planets:

  • Venus - the planet love, connection and abundance.

  • Saturn - the planet of discipline, commitment and structure.

  • Mercury - the planet of communication, connection and information.

With Venus being in Cancer she is focused on nurturing and nourishment. With Saturn going through a process of dissolving rigidity and heavy old traditions that no longer serve us, and with Mercury moving through Taurus, this divine conversation has the potential to be a time of blessings in our daily lives.

When these 3 planets are in positive connection we can see harmony in our relationships, communication and connection which could bring about new commitments and structures that support us in our relationships and communities.

I see this as a blessing as we continue to go through the changing of the guard, we need to be there for each other on the daily local level now more than ever.

Major Lunar Themes


April 19th/20th depending where you are in the world.

This is one of the most potent moments of 2023 to unlock more courage and initiate something new! This eclipse is an evolution point.

This is the first eclipse of 2023 and it is a hybrid new moon solar eclipse. A hybrid eclipse simply means that the actual eclipse itself will take place in the sign of Aries, however the north node is still in Taurus making sure we activate something new (Aries). But we need to be sure to stay in a high state of quality control (Taurus).

This eclipse is asking you stop and think about what you are initiating and beginning in your life and to check that it is truly valuable, truly important and not just ego desire!

This is a new moon solar eclipse which is basically a super charged, super amplified new moon and with this occurring in Aries (the sign of beginnings), you are invited to rise up to something that has been building in your life since the new moon in Aries last lunar month.

Something has been growing in you. Something wants to begin. Awaken the leader within. Awaken courage. If the spotlight came and started shining on you, would you be ready?

Recognise the talent you already have and then awaken the courage to actually show it! This way you can attract the right people and circumstances.

There is one caveat with this eclipse and that is to make sure you aren’t being driven by anger and negative emotions because this will be amplified.

Eclipses are always a potent time to sit deep in spiritual practice. My suggestion is to engage with practices that help you to get in touch with your inner world and to listen to your true voice and not the voice that is loaded with emotions and fear or even excitement at this high energy eclipse!

Take charge of your life at this eclipse. Take charge of your trauma. Take charge of your karma and seed in a new intention that supports you to initiate something new, brave and inspiring for you life!


May 5th/6th depending where you are in the world.

This is the final eclipse in Scorpio in the current eclipse series and it is a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are always powerful times to release and complete on old karmic stories.

This lunar eclipse is in the deep, dark, alchemical waters of Scorpio. Scorpio rules the places where we hide our trauma. Our trauma is what covers and dilutes our power so when we have an eclipse in Scorpio, we are invited to alchemise, transform and heal our deepest wounds to liberate and reveal our true power!

This eclipse is the final release of something that you have been purifying and unravelling for the last few years. This may be your deep inner fears, painful memories and trauma from the past.

This lunar eclipse is your moment to dive deep and to work with releasing all that has been stirring and coming to the surface in the realms of power and misuse of power including the negative behaviours that we take on as a result of these traumas.

This is a south node lunar eclipse, this means you can truly release old karmic loops and patterns in a meaningful way.

This eclipse can also be a supportive time to let go of negative tendencies including addictions. If you feel the stirring of new courage and strength arising with the Aries solar eclipse energy, then this is your moment to release old behaviours that you know prevent you from stepping into your power!

This is your moment to clear the decks even more as you open the way to embrace a new world and who you need to be to embrace it.

In Summary:

Next lunar month is yet another super potent time as Jupiter will be in a conjunction with the North Node of our collective destiny! This configuration will be in a challenging square to Pluto with Mars coming into the mix to form a grand square!!!!!

What does this mean? This could mean so many different things and we will be finding out what that is but the symbology suggests that it will be about huge karmic shifts for humanity. When we look back 10 years from now, we will know that these are the times when everything changed.

For this lunar month, take care of your personal karmic stories. Work with the solar eclipse and awaken your inner strength to overcome your fears and negative thoughts. Then take charge of your pain and work with the energy of the lunar eclipse to clear away the past and to end old addictions and negative habits to make way for your true talents and strengths to shine!

If you enjoy this and want to dive deeper, please join my Patreon where I explore all of these themes as well as horoscopes for both eclipses!

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


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