Everything is Shifting - Align With Your True North

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Cancer happening July 17th/18th. This contains:

  • Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month including a deep dive into the New Moon & Full Moon Themes.

  • Join my Patreon Community (starting at only $8 AUD) for a deeper exploration of these themes, horoscopes, bespoke rituals based on the more esoteric meaning of each lunation to help you harness the power of the cycles!


  • Los Angeles: July 17th @ 11:31am 

  • Edmonton: July 17th @ 12:31pm

  • New York: July 17th @ 2:31pm 

  • London: July 17th @ 7:31pm

  • Berlin: July 17th @ 8:31pm

  • Delhi: July 18th @ 12:01am

  • Bali: July 18th @ 2:31am

  • Brisbane: July 18th @ 4:31am

  • Sydney: July 18th @ 4:31am


  • Los Angeles: Aug 1st @ 11:31am

  • Edmonton: Aug 1st @ 12:31pm

  • New York: Aug 1st @ 2:31pm

  • London: Aug 1st @ 7:31pm

  • Berlin: Aug 1st @ 8:31pm

  • Delhi: Aug 2nd @ 12:01am

  • Bali: Aug 2nd @ 2:31am

  • Brisbane: Aug 2nd @ 4:31am

  • Sydney: Aug 2nd @ 4:31am

Get ready for a gear shift this lunar month. This month has the potential for a culture shift as the nodes of destiny are changing signs.

The arrow of the compass will be spinning this lunar month! If you were on a trek into uncharted territory and your compass, your only tool for direction, began spinning out of control, what would you do? What would you rely on? You would have to rely on your senses and your intuition and your inner knowledge to navigate this situation and find your way home. How do you think you would actually go?

The astrology of this lunar month suggests that we are about to experience an energetic pole shift, so to speak, as the collective patterns go through some big shifts in the coming weeks. The collective direction is changing this month. The trends, the focus of the masses and what we deem to be important will begin a new cycle. With Saturn and Neptune now retrograde in Pisces, this shift may feel more nebulous and directionless.

This is a time to find your true North. Your true North is your personal direction, choices, and intentions and is felt strongly when your intuition and rational brain align! True North isn’t confusing. It’s empowering and will lead you in the most appropriate direction for you based on the information you have.

This is your true guiding compass in life. Rather than relying on external influences or societal expectations, aligning with your inner truth and purpose is the most authentic and reliable way to navigate life in 2023. Reading the room right and seeing what is truly there is going to become more and more important. Your sense of what is true, what is right and what is in your heart will take on greater significance in the coming years.

This lunar month begins with a new moon that is inviting you to heal something that you have neglected and as this is happening in the realms of Venus retrograde, this is a time to look at things that are dear to your heart that maybe you’ve neglected over the last few years (including relationships) that need reviving!

Just hours after the new moon, the nodes change signs activating an exact and very challenging square with Pluto. With Pluto involved in the new moon and this nodal shift… ahhhhhh… we may notice things feeling very karmic, and fated in the world.

Then we have a full moon in Aquarius that is focused on getting clear and checking if you are actually on the right path? Do you have the right support? You will be asking what is true in your heart with Venus going on a powerful journey in Leo and this full moon will help you to clear away what is not true to your heart and support you to get on the right track with the right people and focus on a clear goal!

Astrologically, this is a weird but magical lunar month where the astrological signatures suggest a time of everything being mixed up and the compass is spinning but, ultimately, the true compass is deep in your wise heart and there has never been a more important time than now for you to drop all the way into what truly matters and to connect with your internal guidance system.

This lunar month is asking you to strengthen your intuition and trust what you feel inside. Listen to your true heart as we are about to experience massive energetic collective shifts that could be incredibly destabilising if you aren’t in your centre. Your heart knows where true North is!

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

July 17th/18th - Collective agendas shifting

This is a significant transition in astrological dynamics! The nodes change signs approximately every 18 months and when they do, it is a shift at the collective level. Of course it will effect you personally on some level and if you’re curious about what it could mean for you, then check my Patreon Community where I will be sharing horoscopes for the nodes changing signs over the coming weeks and what this could mean for you personally.

The nodes are points associated with calculating eclipses so this means that the eclipses will be shifting from the Taurus/Scorpio axis to the Aries/Libra axis. This association with eclipses adds to the nodes being very karmic. The nodal axis signifies our collective karma and our collective patterns and social themes and when they change signs, there can be a social and collective shift of focus.

The nodes in Taurus/Scorpio have been focused on shifting our stories around resources, power and the misuse of power, and shifting from living in toxic excess to more sustainable living. There is one more lunar eclipse in Taurus at the end of this year but with the nodes changing signs this month, we will begin moving into a very new phase.

The Aries/Libra axis is a big gear shift and the symbology associated with this axis is self (Aries) versus other (Libra). Me versus togetherness. My needs versus your needs. Doing what’s right for me versus doing what is best for others. Independent action versus co-dependent action.

We are going to be exploring these themes over the coming 2 years and with the South Node (release and purification point) moving into Libra which rules over relationships, there is a big possibility that we will see a shift around the way we conceptualise relationships.

For example, the institutions of marriage and til’ death do us part are going through a huge process and it’s probably going to amplify with this cycle. This will have a huge ripple effect on how we organise society and the old institutions of the nuclear family etc. I will be observing and exploring these themes deeply over the next 2 years with you all so stay tuned to my Monthly Astrology Snapshots (subscribe here if you haven’t already) or go and subscribe to my YouTube channel where I will be sharing videos discussing all of this and more!

There is a big piece with this though that makes me a bit wary and that is, as the nodes change signs, they immediately lock into an exact square with Pluto. These are the most karmic planets and this will ripple into the DNA of this cycle. For the next year and a half, we are going to experience eclipses that will shake our collective karma. Events may feel destined and fated. We may feel the sense of karma that is impacting every human on this planet as we go through a collective initiation. We must get something important and my sense that whatever we are learning from this will ultimately be what will protect us from self-destruction!

July 22nd - September 3rd - What is your hearts true desire?

Venus retrograde is a powerful journey where Venus - the Goddess and ruler of all that is truly enjoyable about being a human on Earth - is reassessing, digging deep and trying to understand areas of life that are associated with matters of the heart.

This is a time to dig deep and honestly ask:

  • What is true in your heart?

  • What do you really really really love?

  • Why do you love what you really really really love?

What you love isn’t random. While the compass is spinning, this retrograde will have you embarking on a profound journey into the depths of your heart, reconnecting with what lies within, beneath the noise of the world. Back to your true North!

As this is a retrograde journey and Venus is appearing to move backwards, old matters of the heart can resurface and take on importance in your mind. Past loves can re-enter as well as anyone dear to your heart or that you have felt a connection with including business partners and dear friends.

This cycles connects with a cycle from 8 years ago when Venus was last retrograde in Leo. Try to remember what was happening 8 years ago to see clues of what this cycle means. So 2015 winter Southern Hemisphere and the summer of 2015 Northern Hemisphere. Don’t just limit this to romantic relationships think of all the people you met at that time and built meaningful connections with and check out how this cycle repeats or showing up again.

Relationship healing can also happen during Venus retrograde but it will require honest reflection and an honest audit of your motivations and intentions.

But if you embrace the process and go all the way, the next few months could bring you clear insights and solutions that enhance the quality of your connections. Remember, the South Node will have just moved into Libra and we are being encouraged to let go of old toxic relationship patterns and myths!

Next month at the new moon in Leo, you will get a chance to gain some clarity around the major work you will be doing personally with this Venus retrograde cycle.

The New Moon in Leo August 16th is stunning! Venus will be within 5 degrees of this new moon so this may be a time where what your Venus retrograde transit means for you may be highlighted and maybe even boosted in a super positive way! I will be writing horoscopes for Venus retrograde in Leo and what it can mean for you more personally in my Patreon Community.

Try to trust in the process of Venus in Leo retrograde pushing a re-evaluation of heart matters. You might find you’re really into the rhythm by the new moon August 16th where what is true to your heart is becoming clear!

What is in your wise heart will be your most reliable guide to help you to weather the storms and to navigate this energetic pole shift we are living through.

Major Lunar Themes


July 17th/18th depending where you are in the world.

This new moon is in a tense dynamic with the nodes of destiny and Pluto. This serves as a reminder that the world is in a massive process and that we are not allowed to skip this step.

This new moon activating Pluto and the nodes may have you feeling like you just need to pull away from the fear and the stories at the collective level and come back to the energies of Cancer for a moment. Cancer rules over what nourishes us, our homes and where we feel safe, secure and connected.

We need nourishment to survive… there’s just no way around it!

We’ve been hit hard over the last few years and many people are being challenged to feel safe. We all need a big hug! We all need to embrace the people we love, and we all need a moment to soothe our souls and regroup and this new moon is the medicine for weary travellers. We know the battle is still going but it’s a time to refresh and to embrace what makes us feel safe.

Cancer is symbolised by the sacred crab and the crab replaces and upgrades it shell over it’s lifetime. You may find yourself really questioning where you live, how you live and if your life container is actually holding your life force in a powerful way. Or are you spreading yourself thin and losing power?

This lunar month is inviting you to pull back and rejuvenate your life container. This includes your home, mind, body and spiritual path.

This new moon may see a positive shift at the collective level regarding housing and safety for everyone especially as this coincides with the nodes shifting.

If you are wanting to upgrade your karma, this would be a powerful lunation to offer charity to people in the need of safety, homes, and nourishment. We all deserve to feel safe and I get the sense that humanity is going to be working hard to figure this one out, the patterns are forcing these issues and forcing a reset on how we take care of each other.

But at the personal level, shift your focus back to home and where you go to recharge and look for comfort. With Venus retrograde in Leo, you may find that some of your relationships need tending to. Everything has been so intense and the temptation to look outward for comfort is a force but maybe what you need is there already… check it out this lunar month. Hug the ones that are already there.

This new moon is in a positive angle to Uranus so you may find some unexpected and innovative solutions for feeling safe, secure and less vulnerable.

With the North Node now moving through Aries, we are going to really feel a strong sense of what we all deserve and there will be a push back on all of the suppression and selfish agendas over the next 2 years. It is time to feel safe and stable and nourished and if you already do and have the capacity, try to help someone who doesn’t.

To know what this new moon means for you personally check out my horoscopes in my Patreon Community.


August 1st/2nd depending where you are in the world.

With the North Node now in Aries activating the desires of the individual will and the individual need for expression, this full moon happening in the sign of Aquarius - which rules over the needs and will of humanity and the connectivity of everyone and everything - may have you feeling super activated and ready to stand for what is right for you personally and for all of humanity.

Aquarius tries to understand how the value of the individual enhances the collective. If an individual is self actualising and reaching their maximum potential it’s just logical and obvious that this will enhance the collective. This will become more of a focus as we move more deeply into Pluto in Aquarius.

This full moon may have you feeling inspired and confidently going for what you know you deserve.

The heavy oppressive agendas are going to be forced to change direction in the coming years and this lunation has the potential to activate a feeling within you of wanting what you need and what you know you deserve!

This won’t be driven so much by emotions but by logic. Aquarius cares but not from an emotional place. Aquarius applies logic and reason and operates from there and we will start realising how caring for each other, taking care of each other and honouring the right of every human beings right to have a safe, stable and secure life is just so obvious and actually achievable! We already have all we need on Earth to make this happen and this lunar month will activate this in the collective.

After the divine new moon where you focused on what supports you to feel secure and nourished, this full moon will increase your awareness on the steps you need to take to get there! This full moon is asking you to get clear, focused and check if you are actually on the right path.

To know what this full moon means for you personally check out my horoscopes in my Patreon Community.

In Summary:

Everyone on Earth deserves to feel safe and have access to basic resources and this lunar month will highlight this. The new moon will have us tuning into what we need to feel secure and nourished and then the full moon will illuminate what we can do at a collective level to take care of humanity. Together we are better! The full moon this lunar month will highlight this and this will become increasingly more obvious in the coming years as I feel we will get multiple chances as a species to get this.

The compass is spinning but the true direction comes from within and from your ability to align yourself with your true heart, true knowledge, true wisdom and the right support - your true North

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


This Month is a Time For a Healthy Reality Check


Break the Spell & Control Your Own Narrative This Lunar Month