Harnessing the Wild Energies of Collective Transformation

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the Scorpio New Moon happening November 13th. This contains:

  • Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month including a deep dive into the New Moon & Full Moon Themes.

  • Join my Patreon Community (starting at only $8 AUD) for a deeper exploration of these themes, horoscopes, bespoke rituals based on the more esoteric meaning of each lunation to help you harness the power of the cycles and more!


  • Los Angeles: Nov 13th@ 1:27am 

  • Edmonton: Nov 13th @ 2:27am

  • New York: Nov 13th @ 4:27am 

  • London: Nov 13th @ 9:27am

  • Berlin: Nov 13th @ 10:27am

  • Delhi: Nov 13th @ 2:57pm

  • Bali: Nov 13th @ 5:27pm

  • Brisbane: Nov 13th @ 7:27pm

  • Sydney: Nov 13th @ 8:27pm


  • Los Angeles: Nov 27th @ 1:16am

  • Edmonton: Nov 27th @ 2:16am

  • New York: Nov 27th @ 4:16am

  • London: Nov 27th @ 9:16am

  • Berlin: Nov 27th @ 10:16am

  • Delhi: Nov 27th @2:46pm

  • Bali: Nov 27th @ 5:16pm

  • Brisbane: Nov 27th @ 7:16pm

  • Sydney: Nov 27th @8:16pm

Astrologically speaking, this is another wild month. Mars is activated - channel the powerful energy with strong intentions!

How did you go with the Eclipses? I have witnessed big shifts in peoples lives especially in the realms of relationships. I’m observing something deeply shifting in people’s relationship stories at both the collective and personal levels. The old myths are unravelling and will continue to do so while the South Node is travelling through Libra until January 2025, purifying and breaking down what no longer serves us.

My suggestion to navigate these changes is to awaken the North Node in Aries in your life. This is the energy of asserting yourself, believing in yourself and knowing that you are an independent, whole being and that you are in relationships from this powerful knowing and that you choose who you want to be with in this life! Choose with the knowing that you are already complete and that being in relationship is a way of expressing your wholeness!

There is a sense of people entering into new relationship contracts from a place of empowerment and this is a huge adjustment as we are really unravelling so much of the old traditional views that belong to previous generations. If you’re finding this cycle confusing and challenging this could indicate that you have lost your power, or you believe you need more power, or that you are afraid of change. Open up to the new ways and you may find that it is better than you could have ever imagined.

Resistance to the great changes will only keep you stuck and anxious because it is when we don’t align with the evolutionary patterns in our lives that we experience discomfort as we know deep down we are avoiding something important. This lunar month is another round of intense dynamics and rather than resisting the changing energies, embrace it! Move with it! Channel the power that is available when you say yes to all that is going on. Claim your space at this time, on this planet and in your life!

Thankfully, Saturn will support you to feel like you can handle what’s going on as Saturn will have just started moving direct this month in Pisces after a nearly 5 month bizarre retrograde period. Depending on your personal chart, this can be a time of feeling like you are strong and able to build and move forwards in particular areas of your life. Saturn retrograde in Pisces was like everything you touched melting in your hands, nothing had form, everything was dissolving making the world feel strange and unreal.

But now that Saturn is moving forwards, you actually get to start making plans that stick. You can engage with the everyday practical, material reality without it dissolving. The fog clears and you can get going on some projects. If you’re interested in astrology, I’ll be doing a special horoscopes video in my Patreon Community (subscriptions starting at only $8 AUD) for this lunar month in which I will discuss Saturn direct in each house and how to master Saturn energy in your life.

Another huge feature this lunar month is the Sun-Mars conjunction in Scorpio. This begins another greater nearly 2 year cycle for Mars as when a planet joins the Sun it is initiated by this great monarch of the Solar System and the planet starts a new greater cycle. This meeting between the God of War and the Great Monarch is a powerful moment of concentrated power as it is happening in the powerful sign of Scorpio!

This is an astrological cycle that will be about asserting your will, awakening your personal power, deep regenerative healing and channeling your inner warrior! I will also be sharing how you can channel this energy in the horoscopes video for this lunar month in my Patreon Community because it is so important that we access this courage in our personal lives over the coming years as there are big changes still ahead for humanity!

Mars is associated with the God of War and this lunar month, Mars is featuring strongly as the red planet will be conjunct the Sun at both the new and full moons! Most of us are aware of world events and unfortunately, the astrology for this lunar month suggests that the dynamic of war may be amplified in the coming weeks and maybe even months.

But you can focus on the inner wars and the inner battles as this is where all conflict originates. This lunar month is pushing you to pay attention to something in your life that has been a battle for a long time. You can’t look away. If you try to look away, you will end up having those uncomfortable feelings that end up pushing you towards dissociative behaviours to escape. Instead, face it and channel it!

On the plus side, the Sun-Mars conjunction in Scorpio combined with Saturn direct and Mars being involved in each lunation this month, the opportunity exists for you to really get something going in your life. But the trick with all of this is that you must be very intentional and truly focus your mind, your energy and your time towards precise plans. Otherwise, if you just go along with these cycles you could be pulled into battles that you were not ready for and that you didn’t want!

To help us all in not falling apart Venus, the planet of love and joy is in her sign of Libra the sign of justice, peace and fairness. The Goddess of love will be working super hard to keep reality from falling apart. Venus will be doing her best to open peace negotiations at both the collective and personal levels. However, the planet of peace really does have it’s work cut out this lunar month as the strong Scorpio-Mars influence suggests that this an underworld phase. But Shamans know that great healing and resurrection happens in the underworld and my prayer is that this is the ultimate intention of these times.

Let’s talk a little bit about Eris, the Goddess of discord. Astronomically, Eris is a dwarf planet in our Solar System. She may be considered small but she is powerful! Right now this energy is super activated as the North Node is conjunct Eris in Aries! My fellow astrology friend Charlie just wrote in a message “Eris is no (insert expletive) joke”. Eris was abandoned and therefore wounded by the other Gods and Goddesses and as a way of seeking revenge, created chaos for them all!

A way to look at Eris (planet of discord) conjunct the North Node (the evolutionary/destiny point) in Aries could be that for us to get to where we want to be, for humanity to be able to actually evolve, it first needs to go through chaos as the individual will is strong and the people want what they want and are willing to fight for it!

Let’s hope that Venus can be strong this lunar month and balance out the chaos! Venus will hopefully show us the order within the current chaos. This Goddess in her peace loving mode in Libra has certainly got her work cut out for her but maybe she knows this is the only way we will grow and that her job is to make sure it doesn’t go too far.

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

November 4th - Plan and build!

This happened just days after the Taurus Lunar Eclipse! Saturn is the Lord of Karma and when this planet moves direct, you nay notice that certain areas of your life that have felt stuck can start moving forwards over the coming weeks.

Saturn is the reality check and focused on strategy and making calculations. This is your moment to plan and build! Join my Patreon Community to see how this is impacting your chart.

At the collective level we may see that truths are coming out over the coming weeks and months that were previously veiled. The patterns are focused on clearing the deception, bringing truth to the foreground and at a more positive level, rebuilding.

Both until December 5th - Hoping for peace, balancing war and trying to see the positive!

Venus into Libra and Mercury into Sagittarius are what can balance out all of the hectic energies this lunar month. In fact these 2 helpful planets are in a very positive alignment until December 4th/5th and this is so important and could be the silver lining in the clouds.

Venus will move towards the South Node all month bringing us closer to whatever has been shifting and stirred up by the Eclipses but this could be a time where all of your relationship healing goes up a level as these alignments will be very supportive of you communicating more clearly with the people in your life with the intention of getting honest, clear and moving towards healing any relationship battles and conflict.

The warning with this is to make sure you are not driven by negative emotions as Mars is sitting with the Sun in Scorpio, super activated and ready for war at any moment! Harness the energy of Libra and Mercury and their desire for peace and wisdom and you may just find that you are resolving some deep relationship battles that have been going on for a very long time.

November 18th (active a few days either side) - Concentration of power!

On this day, the Moon will be conjunct Pluto - Lord of the Underworld. This could be a very intense time at the collective level. War is an undeniable reality at this point. The human race has never not been in war on some level and this powerful conjunction will only push this even more into view so that we can not bury our heads in the sand. The truth is coming out. It is undeniable. The shadow of the secrets, misuse of power and how this all leads to war is going through an unveiling.

The astrology in the coming years indicates that we are in a cycle of amplified war. This does not necessarily mean bombs and guns but the war of ideas, beliefs and religions. Power struggles will amplify and become more visible and due to technology, we are all aware of nearly all of the conflict that is happening on Earth in ways we never have been before. It’s so uncomfortable and yet I hope that the purpose of this is to force us to collectively say enough!

This really is a very intense time for humanity. My heart is heavy when I think about all that is happening and my true prayer is that this amplification of these negative forces is serving a greater purpose of waking us up to how terribly unnecessary war is. Maybe it needs to get so bad before we get it and start making changes?

But it is important to note that this Sun-Mars activation is happening in Scorpio. Did you know that Scorpio is a sign that rules over powerful healing. This sign is associated with resurrection, purification and rising up out of the ashes - big healing!

Regeneration is made even more possible as we have the Sun which is pure energy and Mars the ruler of Scorpio coming together in a powerful lunar mansion in Scorpio! Wow! Everything about this is intense and if you’re reading this or watching my video, then you can prepare and focus this energy, especially at the new moon in Scorpio!

Major Lunar Themes


November 13th everywhere in the world.

The Scorpio new moon this month is not letting us relax. At the collective level there’s the feeling of war continuing and not relenting. But at the individual level (the cycles manifest differently at the individual and collective levels) if you hold this energy with wisdom, you can experience a breakthrough from an inner battle you’ve been fighting for a very long time.

This is a prequel to the eclipse energies we’ve been working through and you could find that whatever was shifting through October for you now requires your attention, focus and discipline. There’s the feeling that you need to assert yourself and even speak your truth, but, do it skilfully or else you could really face some heavy karmic consequences.

This new moon is super charged. The energies of the Sun-Mars conjunction are beginning to activate and at the personal level, you can tap in, channel this energy and use it to boost your life.

The astrology of the moment is focused on the battle and not just the greater conflicts that are insanely going on right now but also the internal battles we all fight, the 3am head trips, the incessant low or high grade fear about the world, war and whether or not we’re going to make it as a human race.

This new moon is reminding you to stop giving your power to these fears and unless you’re directly involved in something major, then worrying about this and getting unnecessarily involved is only going to pull you down and lower your energy.

Uranus is opposite this new moon potentially triggering changes in your life direction. This is the kind of pattern that if you harness the energy well, you can literally shift your personal story into a completely new, more positive direction.

New pathways will emerge, new power, new energy and this new moon aligning with the Sun-Mars conjunction is a moment to intentionally steer your life and your karma into directions that require focus, tenacity, strength and courage!

Also, if you’ve been in a heavy relationship situation, then this new moon is your opportunity to really align with the patterns of awakening your inner warrior and channeling the power you need to support yourself and what you need. But try to do this in the most balanced way possible to avoid unnecessary conflict.

It’s important to note that Venus will be in a positive trine to Mercury so this could really bring about the need to assert yourself but the skill to communicate wisely (Mercury in Sagittarius) but also peacefully and diplomatically (Venus in Libra).

Scorpio is also about the power of deep regenerative healing. This may also be a time of deep healing. Scorpio is symbolised by the phoenix who rises out of the complete burning down of itself - the phoenix rises from its own ashes!

Harness the power of these times and channel your inner warrior. We are all in some kind of battle on some level and this new moon is inviting you to get in touch with your personal power.

Join my Patreon Community where I will be creating in-depth horoscopes for each sign for each eclipse plus rituals and esoteric teachings


November 27th everywhere in the world.

This full moon is also intense! Gemini holds the sacred teachings of going beyond duality. To go beyond duality, you must first honour that duality exists and this full moon won’t be allowing you to just be positive and light, it will be a moment of honouring that actually we live on a planet where people still believe that war is a solution!

This is never going to be easy to accept, but it is a reality and maybe this full moon is where you see that this duality exists within yourself allowing you to work with the energy of seeing what is truly there and being able to work with what’s out of balance in your personal world more precisely.

This lunation is offering you a moment to clear away all that the greater cycles are stirring in your personal life. This would be a great full moon to sit in ritual, gather in community, build a fire and work together to release and heal internal battles and demons.

The energy at this full moon will still be activating the collective battles but as I’ve mentioned so much in this snapshot, you can work with your personal battles, face your inner demons and do some powerful work at conquering them this full moon.

We can only transcend that which we know and if you don’t know what is at war internally, how can you heal it? The new moon in Scorpio may have taken you deep into your underworld and shadow worlds but now you can heal this and release this and reclaim your power.

Fortunately, Mars has just entered into Sagittarius and this is a huge energetic shift compared to Mars in Scorpio. This will help you to be able to get perspective and on what’s been going on.

Also, Mars will be in a challenging, reality check square to Saturn at this full moon. This pattern could be a moment where your fears will try to stop and block what you are building in your life. But, if you work with this energy it can actually really help you.

The way to harness this energy is to clear the battles and demons and then make a strong decision to honour your new moon intentions and to forge ahead with your vision!

You may really feel a powerful boost of energy at this time. More confidence even! Channel this energy and use it to awaken the necessary courage required to conquer what blocks you and holds you back!

To know what this full moon in Gemini means for you personally check out my bespoke horoscopes, in my Patreon Community.

In Summary:

It appears that the world is going through an underworld journey. Shaman’s teach that the underworld is literally just another dimension to life and is to be respected and understood, not feared. The Shaman travels through the underworld unchanging, unfazed and confident as the Shaman knows that the underworld holds the power for true regenerative healing. Resurrections occur in the underworld and this may be what the human race needs at this time.

Trust the cycles and if you are entering into a battle at a personal level, take some time out and breathe. Tune into the highest karmic potential and choose the right battles!

I have been researching for my 2024 Astrology Forecast that I create as a free E-book as a gift to my community each year and Mars appears to be involved in many intense dynamics. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and currently, we have the North Node of the collective destiny in Aries until January 2025. This is only amplifying the energy. Mastering how to channel this energy now and choosing how you want to be with it will prepare you well for what is coming.

Be prepared and subscribe here to get the 2024 Astrology Forecast delivered straight to your inbox.

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


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