When You Feel Like You’re Swimming Against The Current

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Virgo happening September 15th/16th. This contains:

  • Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month including a deep dive into the New Moon & Full Moon Themes.

  • Join my Patreon Community (starting at only $8 AUD) for a deeper exploration of these themes, horoscopes, bespoke rituals based on the more esoteric meaning of each lunation to help you harness the power of the cycles!


  • Los Angeles: Sep 14th @ 6:39pm 

  • Edmonton: Sep 14th @ 7:39pm

  • New York: Sep 14th @ 9:39pm 

  • London: Sep 15th @ 2:39am

  • Berlin: Sep 15th @ 3:39am

  • Delhi: Sep 15th @ 7:09am

  • Bali: Sep 15th @ 9:39am

  • Brisbane: Sep 15th @ 11:39am

  • Sydney: Sep 15th @ 11:39am


  • Los Angeles: Sep 29th @ 2:57am

  • Edmonton: Sep 29th @ 3:57m

  • New York: Sep 29th @ 5:57am

  • London: Sep 29th @ 10:57am

  • Berlin: Sep 29th @ 11:57am

  • Delhi: Sep 29th @ 3:27pm

  • Bali: Sep 29th @ 5:57pm

  • Brisbane: Sep 29th @ 7:57pm

  • Sydney: Sep 29th @ 7:57pm

Embracing change, tuning into the future, and radical acceptance of the greater process will help you move forwards this lunar month.

If you’re invested in the old systems and the old story of endless growth being a sign of progress, then you will not enjoy the upcoming greater astrological transits. But, if you are open to change and see that change is necessary for evolution and that in fact change is a continual ongoing process, then you can embrace the upcoming cycles and continue your personal human evolutionary adventure!

There’s a powerful celestial dynamic playing out this lunar month where all of the outer planets are retrograde and sitting exactly opposite all of the inner/personal planets which will all be moving direct once Mercury turns direct just hours after this months new moon in Virgo on September 14th/15th.

This can feel like the world ‘out there’ is intensifying and maybe even moving in directions that appear to be opposing your personal experience. The collective karmic ripening may feel bigger than your personal reality and this might leave you feeling confused.

But, you can see it all another way. This month, try to shift your view and not buy into the fear mongering. The collective needs to go through a huge restructuring. This is a process that really kicked off in March of 2020. This cycle is preparing us for a new way of being on, and with the Earth. It’s happening. It’s obvious and it’s undeniable at this stage. The ways we have been existing are unsustainable and the upcoming astrological cycles are suggesting that we are going to shift one way or another and how we do the shift, is up to us.

However, this lunar month is offering you a bit of space. There is a magic to all of the personal planets moving direct. It feels like a gift from the universe allowing you to feel that you can continue evolving your personal reality while the greater reality resets, reorganises and realigns. Know in your heart that as you align with your personal evolution, you are actually aligning yourself and your life with the universal evolutionary process and you are contributing to the positive potential pathways and timelines.

The new and full moons this month are there for you to focus on building your inner world and boosting your personal will and your personal life.

Then, by the time we get to the eclipses next lunar month (the eclipse season actually begins to build at this new moon in Virgo) your individual will to have a better life and to awaken to new directions for your personal reality will be activating big time!

Remember, the North Node of destiny is an arrow pointing towards the evolutionary aspects and with the North Node now moving through the sign of individual will power in Aries, you may be feeling a power building at the individual/personal level and this months full moon in Aries will give you a boost to believe in your right to a better existence. Watch what is emerging. Work at clearing fears and blocks to whatever wants to initiate in your life at this full moon. Awaken the North Node warrior energy of courage and faith to support ongoing evolution in your life!

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

Sep 14th/15th - Taking care of what you can control.

Mercury moves into Libra October 6th and this is a time where some wonderful communication healing and balancing out within your interpersonal relationships can happen. It’s been tough and this shift will be felt and appreciated.

More importantly though, once Mercury turns direct, all of the inner planets are moving forwards. The inner planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars are the planets that we tend to notice more on a day to day personal level whereas the outer/transpersonal planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune tend to influence more of the collective cycles (see below).

We’ve also just come out of Venus retrograde in Leo. Big healing happened for many people. It was a time where you were invited to look within and heal your heart. People may have come back into your life from the past for healing and resolution and you may have noticed a cycle shift from the last time Venus was retrograde in Leo in 2008.

But now, as Venus is moving direct and all of the inner planets will be direct, you can begin feeling as though you have some agency over your personal reality. You may feel like you can get things moving in your day to day life. Your relationships and your ability to communicate with the people you interact with on a day to day level will begin improving.

With Venus direct in Leo, your heart can open and with Mercury turning direct in Virgo, your mind and communication will be focused on bringing more harmony into your interpersonal dynamics. What a relief!

However, there is a bigger dynamic at play this lunar month which is that all of the outer planets are retrograde. This happens every year but with all personal planets direct and all outer planets retrograde, you may be really feeling the pressure of the collective stories playing out!

All lunar month - When the outer world feels like it’s just too much.

If you are sensitive to energies then this lunar month is a time to have strong boundaries and to be super aware that the volume will be turned up on the collective fears. Our entire species is going through a profound transformation and when you have all of the outer planets retrograde, the collective story and the context of our lives is going through a major process.

What makes this round of retrogrades more interesting and intense is that all of the retrograde outer planets are sitting in the opposite part of the sky to all of the inner planets which will all be direct when Mercury turns direct!

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus (Sep 5 - Dec 31) - Changing our old, negative beliefs around wealth and resources. Winding back wealth stories.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces (Jun 18 - Nov 4) - Unravelling old myths, conditioning and outdated beliefs.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus (Aug 29 - Jan 27) - Breakthroughs and disruptions, with a focus on evolution, regarding our financial systems, resources and our relationship to planet Earth.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces (Jul 1 - Dec 6) - Unravelling and unwinding spiritual beliefs. The veil is lifting. No more lies.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (May 11 - Oct 12) - The continual initiation into the underworld and the purification of our old negative patriarchal power structures and systems. Old institutions are being shaken to their core.

With all of the inner planets turning direct, you might notice that you are feeling like you have agency over yourself, your interpersonal relationships and the way you are perceiving the world. However, you might feel that the ‘outer world’ is moving in the opposite direction to you. This may leave you feeling anxious, disoriented and confused. If so, know that this greater process is at play and do your best to not buy into the fear and drama playing out in social media and the news.

Remember, you can truly continue evolving no matter what is going on outside of you! In fact, the more you take care of yourself, your relationships, your values and your mind and communication the better the whole situation will be.

October 11th/12th - Old power structures feeling the pressure.

This is happening just before the new moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14/15 and shifts the energy of all outer planets being retrograde. However, when a slow moving outer planet begins to move direct, it actually stations first (stands still) and there can be an amplification of the energies and themes of the planet and the sign this event is taking place in. Pluto is focused on deep psychological transformation. Pluto rules over the underworld and this recent retrograde has taken us on a journey back down into the underworlds of Capricorn. Capricorn rules over our big institutions, traditions and deeply established ways of organising life on Earth.

Now that Pluto is stationing direct, all of the shadows of these themes may be amplified. We can’t look away anymore. Pluto cycles are a time to really stop and see what is hiding in the shadows and what is needing purification. This can be super confronting and challenging but as it is said, the truth will set you free, but first, it will confront and challenge you! We need to see what’s out of balance in the world. Remember, this is a natural cycle and it is designed to help us to evolve.

Open yourself to work the energy personally to release old stuck stories that continue to scare you and hold you back. The upcoming eclipse season will support you to do some good, deep and solid spiritual and karmic purification and Pluto stationing direct will only boost your inner work!

Major Lunar Themes


September 14th/15th depending where you are in the world.

This new moon is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is associated with taking care of our precious planet Earth.

Virgo is symbolised by the Priest-ess who has dedicated their life to what is sacred and to bringing harmony back into a world lost in ignorance and forgetfulness. Virgo reminds us that we are Earth, we aren’t seperate and how we tend to Earth is how we tend to everything including ourselves.

Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) turns direct within hours of this new moon and in the same sign of this lunation - Virgo.

Virgo themes will be super strong and this new moon offers an opportunity to start over on whatever the Mercury retrograde cycle has been reorganising in your life. Now you’re ready to make sense of things and to connect the dots in your personal reality.

The Priest-ess can pull back and see how it all works together. The dots connect and you can see what’s out of balance and then from there, apply the appropriate solutions and antidotes.

This new moon is a time to gather yourself and embrace the wisdom that has arisen from all that life has been teaching you over recent weeks and to seed some powerful new ways into your personal reality.

This new moon is happening in a wonderful Nakshatra (Vedic lunar mansion - join my Patreon to learn more about this ancient wisdom) that is focused on awakening the true power of the feminine force in your life. There is the potential for setting some potent new moon intentions that will later grow into a divine harvest (Virgo is associated with the harvest)!

Yes the outer world is intense but this new moon is whispering to you to keep growing what is beautiful and sacred in your personal life. This is an act of faith and this is an offering to the collective.

Don’t give up. Devote your life to what is sacred. Keep planting seeds with all of your heart as you align with the power of the Priest-ess archetype at this divine new moon.

To know what this new moon means for you personally check out my horoscopes in my Patreon Community.


September 29th everywhere in the world.

This full moon feels like we are all just so ready for real change, not the superficial change story that glosses over everything to have an instant feel good in the moment experience, but actual, genuine change.

Aries rules over your life force, your will to live, to create and to forge ahead. Aries is a very individual sign and with the North Node of collective destiny now moving through Aries, the needs of the individual will become more intensified and this full moon will only amplify and illuminate this.

Aries is associated with the spirit of pioneering something new and it appears that we are living in a time where something new wants and needs to emerge!

At this full moon ask yourself what new energies and story lines are wanting to emerge in your life right now?

Then tune into what you are ready to release. Clear away what is holding you back at this full moon.

This full moon is a powerful time to investigate what it is that blocks your life force and the new ways that are wanting to emerge at this time. It’s going to be a powerful lunation to work with clearing and shifting your karma.

It’s interesting to note that the moon rules over the feelings of the people and at this full moon, the moon is on it’s own, right in the middle of the outer planets and it’s as though the people have had enough of the collective negative narrative of greed, environmental destruction and the incessant striving for infinite growth on a finite planet!

There are some bigger cycles stirring and activating and this full moon may be a trigger for you at a personal level to be done with these old stories and the fears and limitations forced upon you by these world stories that you never actually agreed with and that you know don’t serve you!

This full moon may also stir a sense of being done with lies in your personal reality and you may find you are ready to take action on something that you’ve been aware of for a while now.

This is a time to stand for what is true and to awaken the courage required to live a life of meaning and purpose and to stop lying to yourself! Awaken deeper integrity where your actions match your inner truth.

Challenge the stories in your mind at this full moon and work in ritual. Write down and clear all that stops you from growing and evolving. Clear all blocks to your inner purpose at this full moon as this is the only way to support humanity. The world needs you in your full power, faith and awakened courage!

To know what this full moon means for you personally check out my bespoke horoscopes in my Patreon Community.

In Summary:

This lunar month, the outer noise will be loud but you can shift your focus and not allow it to disturb you. Don’t give up! Awaken your courage to pioneer something new in your life with the knowing that this is how you can do your part to support humanity and our wonderful planet.

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


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