Christina Zipperlen, Bali

“Paula comes in and brings what I need to hear into words that my ears can grasp.”

Paula’s sessions have been, yes, deepest guidance for my soul. I’ve been seeing Paula for sessions for about 10 years and every single time, it is as if my soul nudges me to call in her guidance, her magical ability to be the mirror and the conduit to reflect what my soul already knows but my mind doesn’t seem to fully understand yet. That’s when Paula comes in and brings what I need to hear into words that my ears can grasp.

Words can’t describe how grateful I am for Paula’s guidance over the years whether it is through tricky decisions or helping birth my wildest visions and dreams. I highly recommend working with this wise, brilliant, intuitive and deeply compassionate being.

— Christina Zipperlen, Founder of Ananda Soul and Sensitive Matters


Rebecca Dennis, UK


Amber Muse, USA