Dianne Tharp, Canada

“I have endless faith in Paula’s abilities and commitment to help us all see who we really are.”

Over the past ten years I have observed Paula’s integrity and mastery ripen as she bravely unveiled more and more of her natural super sensory ability to identify what others cannot. Her sessions always surround me with the grace of clarity and courage. I am reminded to rely on the power of my soul, my consciousness and my spiritual conscience to live my own path of spiritual mystery and mastery. I have endless faith in Paula’s abilities and commitment to help us all see who we really are.

I love and have always benefited from my practices of sacred ritual, daily meditation and ceremony. Paula’s Lunar Project has given me a sustainable way to continue deepening my connection to the sacred. Even when I am alone in my ritual and ceremony with the moon cycles I can sense the presence  of lunar project participants and the potent energy that lifts our awakening souls. Like Paula says “many find it soothing for the soul to just be with the moon”. Something magically sacred happens when Paula guides this global connection to honour Grandmother Moon.  

The deep knowledge, graceful humility and instinctual wisdom Paula embodies blesses me in every session, lunar time and sacred chat we share. 

Paula’s presence matters personally, universally and cosmically!

— Dianne Tharp, Spiritual Elder, Teacher, Healer and Mentor, Canada


Kate Reardon, Bali


Katherine Maslen, Brisbane