Eclipses, Pilgrimage & Everything In Between

I have just spent the last 3 months travelling through India, Nepal and England and I want to share with you some of what has shifted for me.

But first, I want to flag the big astrology playing out currently and why you may be feeling weird.

Are you still feeling the eclipses? This could be because we are still in big cycles that are culminating as we are moving towards the mega Jupiter-Uranus conjunction coming up this weekend (I will blog about this soon)! This is a potent moment to awaken something new in your life. This cycle speaks to innovation and unexpected expansion and possible quantum leaps! There’s also a potential for amplified chaos too so be aware. I explore this and more in my 2024 Astrology Forecast eBook which you can download for free here.

In my 2024 Astrology Forecast, I also explore how the first half of this year is a time for doing the inner work and diving deep internally. And to add more to this already potent mix, the full moon in Scorpio coming up next Tuesday/Wednesday April 23/24 is square Pluto which is intense and amplified energies! Big feelings, big shadow work and big purification is happening on every level. It really is a time to do the inner work and the first half of 2024 is all about this. But there is an intention driving these cycles of helping us to deeply heal the original wounds we all have and to even experience some big break throughs around our shadow energies.

My Unexpected Pilgrimage

It seems my life has been on track with the cycles of doing the deep inner work with the first half of 2024. My original intention for my 3 month journey was to travel and meet with clients, friends and spiritual teachers and to ‘take this show on the road’ so to speak. As many of you know, most of my sessions are run via Zoom and this allows me to travel and continue working and I knew it was time to take advantage of this.

I honestly thought this would be an easy and relatively fun journey and that I would pop my laptop (which is really my office) into a back pack and I would continue working and writing and sharing as usual. Life had a different plan for me.

The first part of my pilgrimage was a 3 week silence and meditation retreat at Sera Jey Monastery in Southern India with my dear friend and Tibetan Buddhist Teacher Venerable Drachom. When I came out of this retreat on January 5th, I was overwhelmed with the sense that 2024 was going to be another very difficult year for us all at different levels. This didn’t make feel sad, in fact it gave me a sense of strength. I really take strength in knowing that it won’t be any easier as I use this information to inspire me to find ways to strategise and to use the energies to continue increasing my capacity to be with life and the big changes in all of it’s intensity.

I then travelled from India up to Kathmandu, Nepal. This next chapter began with meeting an incredible Tibetan Buddhist Teacher, the State Oracle for the Dalai Lama, Khadro-la (if you’re curious about who she is, go here to read her autobiography). This encounter shook me to my core and I received profound instructions and blessings that I feel I will be forever integrating as I know I have met a person who is totally committed to the path of spiritual development and to helping and teaching others.

Then, 2 days after this sacred meeting, I went on a 2 week journey with Covid. I went into a deep process of purification with this virus and had the experience that many of my clients have shared with me over the last few years of how much Covid can feel like a deep spiritual process. This was the point where I let my Patreon community go and any public sharing. I just couldn’t do it and I had to allow the deep process I was in to totally have its way with me.

As soon as I had recovered from Covid, I went on a journey with some dear friends to Lumbini, the birth place of the Buddha in southern Nepal. This journey was intense and challenging physically, mentally and spiritually but as soon as I stood at the Japanese Peace Stupa in Lumbini, I connected with a profound inner knowing that what had been happening was truly for my highest evolution and that I needed to trust in the bigger process. I received a message that everything that was happening would make sense 10 years from now and that all that I had been going through was part of a bigger cycle in my life.

The final chapter of my pilgrimage was to England, the land of my ancestors. I initially needed some time to integrate and to continue recovering from Covid. I met and stayed with incredible people who took care of me and helped me. I also spent time connecting in person with clients I have worked with previously only on Zoom and discovered that I love sitting with people in real time and this has awakened my desire to travel and meet with you where you are in the coming years.

This pilgrimage has cracked me open in unexpected ways. I realised that I had been living in a comfortable bubble in my home city of Brisbane and that there are certain experiences that push us to evolve and to know ourselves more deeply that can only happen when we leave our comfort zones. I recognise that I am personally going beyond some deep and old patterning (karma) and that getting out of familiar daily patterns powerfully supported me to shift and much of this would not happen if I didn’t challenge myself.

I really felt the power of the recent Eclipses, did you?

Usually I am writing and sharing about the eclipses but this time, I got to dive deep with the energies and it was powerful!

The last leg of my pilgrimage occurred during the first Lunar Eclipse in Libra in late March and this was a doozy! This eclipse happened on my natal Sun and there were for sure big changes and a small fear that maybe I was going to be eclipsed out of reality :) but I’m still here and I’m getting the sense that a very different version of my expression and how I share with the world (expressed through my natal Sun) is being eclipse and reset.

Then, the Solar Eclipse in Aries that happened on April 8th/9th was conjunct Chiron and represents a peak point in the timing of doing the deep inner work.

Chiron was activated at this Eclipse and is still travelling with the North Node in Aries, pushing us forwards and pushing us all to heal at the deepest level. Our wounds want to heal. We are being invited to express our individuality in ways we have been conditioned not to and to do this, we must reclaim who we were before the wounding.

Chiron in Aries conjunct the North Node associates with the evolution of our personal power, personal wounds, self assertion, courage and agency. It’s time to be you!

What is the deepest wound you are wanting to heal? These are times to really get in touch with this and open yourself to the timing of the cycles to heal this and get in contact with the potential breakthroughs.

Part of my personal process with Chiron in Aries is that the way I share is changing.

You may have noticed I haven’t sent out any Monthly Astrology Snapshot’s in 2024. I released the 2024 Astrology Forecast (you can download here if you haven’t already) and then went on the unexpected pilgrimage! This pilgrimage has been so deeply impactful and has pushed me into a space of deep reflection. I have moved through (and sometimes felt like I was being dragged through) a profound process of rethinking many aspects of my life.

One of the areas I am rethinking (hello Mercury still retrograde conjunct my natal Chiron) is how I support you and how I can truly be of benefit to you. This is why I am moving from being only focused on writing and sharing publicly about astrology.

I am ready to start sharing on other topics that I am super passionate about and that I know are helpful and empowering not only for myself but also for you such as meditation, mindfulness and exploring topics such as karma, spiritual awareness and ways to support us to do the inner work. I will be approaching all of this with the intention of knowing that you can evolve even when everything is breaking down as I know you can embrace the process of becoming more aware wherever you are, whoever you are and whenever you are.

For this reason I am shifting my focus away from the Monthly Astrology Snapshot to sharing in a blog format which I am calling Paula’s Blog for now. For those of you who work with me, you already know that during a session I work with multiple tools and not exclusively astrology. I have more to offer than astrology and I feel as though it is time to open this up and explore this with you and to bring what I share into more alignment with what you experience when you work with me. I will continue to share about the astrological cycles when I feel called as they are so powerful and helpful as a way to read the context of your personal story but I won’t be solely writing and sharing about this.

Paula’s Blog will be for subscribers only and for people who come to my website as I want to nurture community away from the big platforms and all the noise out there. If you aren’t already subscribed, subscribe here and please share this link if you know anyone who you think would be interested in getting to know me and how I work and how I see the world.

My recent travels have only deepened my devotion to helping you and to sharing what I know can truly be helpful which is why I am currently working in the background and coming up with new packages and ways you can work with me moving forwards.

I am so devoted to continue supporting you with all of the tools I have cultivated over many years and many hours of hard work looking within and sorting through my inner world because I know that the human journey is wonderful, scary, amazing and profound and full of incredible opportunities to always explore and grow and I am committed to sharing all of this with you.

With love always,

Paula x

p.s. I’m still working in potent 90 minute sessions so if you’ve been feeling the intensity and want support to check where you’re at karmically right now with all of this incredible astrology, you can book a 90 minute Soul Session with me here xxx


Previous Blogs


Unexpected Expansion & Quantum Leaps


Final Lunar Month of 2023 - Changing Traditions