Shadow Work & The Moon in Scorpio

I’d only just arrived when the Guru said, “I’ll be back shortly” and then I was left on my own in a cottage at night in a foreign country not knowing exactly how I got there or how to leave. I can’t remember how long he was gone, it felt like an eternity, but I was alone long enough to realise that this was not going to be the fun spiritual adventure I’d been imagining in my mind… I had big expectations. The tears fell and I knew deep down that I had two options. I could turn back and go home, or I could stay and embrace the journey ahead. I chose to stay.

The moon is still in Scorpio today and is now waning after the peak of the lunar cycle - the full moon - which was yesterday. The current cycles have me diving deep into my creative writing energy and I can’t help but reflect on the magic of Scorpio and how this astrological symbol weaves with shadow work. This shadow dive took me immediately back in time to this memory many years ago when I was on a spiritual adventure chasing enlightenment only to begin the long journey of realising that the real spiritual work is something much more intense and deeper than my naive ego wanted to believe.

My dream of a fun, spiritual adventure all those years ago was shattered and I was left to surrender to a different level of spiritual work. I have encountered multiple moments where I was left to be with reality in ways I was not expecting or hoping for, even recently I was on a similar journey (read my recent blog Eclipses, Pilgrimage & Everything In Between) and I can honestly say, these have been the moments where I have found a deeper encounter with the true perfection of being a human and the dimensions of me that include the shadows and all that is hiding, hurting and misunderstood.

I don’t know about you, but I can hand on my heart say that I have spent many, many years chasing the magic and the high energies as a way to counter my shame, pain and past. I ran so hard towards the light, yet over and over again, life has continued to pull me into experiences like this where I have no choice but to surrender to the deep inner work.

I still struggle with this. I still struggle to see the perfection in the shadow. I understand at the intellectual level why this is the way forwards, however, there is such a strong desire still within me for everything to be good, for everyone to be happy and for peace on Earth. I really do struggle to accept that the real peace comes from the true wisdom realising that we are in a world where happiness is not the goal but accepting that one can not always be happy is the true goal. It’s still so hard for me to accept that maybe the goal isn’t for a happy life but for a meaningful life.

While the moon is in Scorpio we are invited into the Scorpio mystery school. Scorpio symbolises the deep, dark waters where creatures live that we don’t understand and we are left with our imagination to make up scary stories of what is actually down there. But when you truly meet this energy, you realise that it’s just parts of you that are in pain and confused and require some love and attention.

I find when I tune into the teachings of Scorpio I can’t help but contemplate how necessary, important and powerful shadow work is. Most of us have experienced something deeply painful that we push down into our shadows. I know I have and my journey to address this pain has manifested as running, escaping, hating myself, acting out and all kinds of wild adventures. But as I get older, I realise that the most profound moments have come when I’ve let go of trying to be better and just surrendered to what is, to the reality of the human journey and with what is lurking in my shadow. This feels more and more to me like perfection.

This going deep and to the edge is the real teaching of Scorpio. Sometimes, transformation can only happen when we ‘go there’ and face it all. It can be at these edges that everything can go to the next level and you can embrace the true power of Scorpio. The evolved version of Scorpio is symbolised by the phoenix rising out of the ashes which is the esoteric symbol of this deep, alchemical dimension of our human experience.

The general astrological energy for the first half of 2024 was always pointing towards the deep inner work and healing our core wounds. However there is a wonderful breakthrough new moon in Taurus coming up May 7/8 which will be inviting you to embrace something new and different about yourself. I’m hoping the rhythm shifts and we see some new energies coming through. For sure once we hit June the pace will really change as Pluto, Saturn and Neptune will be retrograde. This will be experienced as a potential collective slowing down and possible shift in gears which hopefully slows down the negative inflation patterns.

And if you’re really feeling the depth of the shadow work currently, then I want to remind you that Aries is super activated in the skies. This is all about self determination, inner courage and the ability we all have to be powerful and wise in the face of our fears and to be able to continue moving forwards no matter what. We all have an inner warrior and my sense is that the invitation of this moment is to shed more layers of karma both individually and collectively that obscures your wisdom and strength revealing more of your true nature.

We are waking up out of a some kind of collective stupor and it’s time to say yes to what you feel you are worth. As a species we are being pushed right now to evolve and grow in ways that are focused on ensuring we don’t collapse. We all stand at a threshold and this is a time to get in contact with what that is for you.

With love always,

Paula x

p.s. you can book a 90 minute Soul Session with me here xxx


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A Positive New Moon, Vishnu & What Sustains You


Unexpected Expansion & Quantum Leaps